Secursat for Real Estate


The new risk scenario, considering  international and national crises, changed urban areas and rised new and unexplored security needs.

Secursat developes security analysis, focused on anti-sabotage, anti-terrorism and anti-damage aspects, to integrate and harmonize the increasingly requested standards of innovation and sustainability with high standards of security and safety too, in compliance with national and European laws and regulations. 

Security design, therefore becomes an instrument for the integration of buildings in the territory, to study urban areas and its findings, thanks to an approach from consulting to planning, until the implementing solutions. 

Starting from a risk-based assessment, Secursat, in relation to the critical issues that have emerged, creates an integrated global security model, and evaluates the best possible solutions in terms of cutting-edge technology and cost-opportunity. It means a  multi-supplier management, supported by an important network of national and international partners, to help customers to take the best security choices and adapt the solutions to the needs of the business.

Operational and organizational strategies to raise and guarantee levels of protection in an innovative, analytical, transparent way, thanks to the analysis of data, collected through intelligent technology platforms, capable of mitigating but also preventing risks and threats, in a model in which predictive maintenance and smart monitoring are the key factors to guarantee real savings that do not impact on the loss of effectiveness and efficiency of the solutions but, on the contrary, reduce the costs of managing emergencies.

Innovation and artificial intelligence for a Security Consultancy to make security and safety strategic assets and a distinctive elements.

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